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"write drunk & edit sober" - Ernest Hemingway
Are We Swiping Left On Digital Dating?
A man called Barry Schwartz wrote a book. Name? ‘The Paradox of Choice,’ a work that, in millennial terms, explores the ability to swipe left or right on pretty much anyone that crosses our digital paths. With a bountiful array of dating apps, from the classic and almost “old news” Tinder, to more current wave makers such as Hinge and Bumble, could it be possible that this so- called ‘Paradox of Choice’ is allowing for too much to choose in the digital dating pool?
Why Is Being Chatted Up SO Awkward?
I’ve been chatted up a fair few times in my life. From wolf whistles out of dust-ridden white vans, numbers on napkins and iron pumpers in the gym telling me “you’re doing that all wrong” as I squat with my legs far too far apart, each time the encounter is riddled with pure, unblemished awkwardness and sweaty palm syndrome. I’ve watched girls dismiss chat up lines with a simple schoolyard slogan of “take a picture it’ll last longer,” and then there’s the straight-to-the-pointers: “OI, WHAT YOU LOOKING AT?” Finally, there are the girls that simply shrug it off as if it were a honking car or a pesky fly, no attention paid and for the chatter-upper, no digits gained!
What Happens In The Latin Quarter, STAYS In The Latin Quarter
In a red wine frenzy my best friend Livi and I zoomed like race horses back to our Parisian hotel, rummaging through suitcases for our PJs before my parents came in to check on us. We’d been “out, out” taking in the air in the absolutely mental (we quickly learnt) Latin Quarter. If I remember rightly we were about 17 – Liv would’ve been 16, and we were as thick as thieves stealing through the night to chat up French boys and do shots.
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